St. Joseph’s College is an affiliate Catholic college located at the heart of the University of Alberta, the province’s premier research institution. We support students in their development as whole people by offering university credit courses that explore the unity of faith and reason. Additionally, we provide a safe, inclusive community through our residences and worshiping community.

At SJC, students are empowered to ask big questions, build lifelong relationships, and develop a faith that is authentic and personal. They go out into the world equipped with the tools and vision to contribute to the common good.

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Check out our Spring/Summer 2024 Courses and enrol in Bear Tracks! Need help? Visit for more information.




SJC 2nd Annual Spring Fundraising Breakfast!
Thanks so much to those of you that attended and supported our 2nd Annual SJC Spring Fundraising Breakfast in April. Thanks to the sponsorships and attendees, we collected over $65,000! Mark your calendar now for April 26, 2025, as that is the tentative date for next year's event.
